The Daily Ukulele Book...


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
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Dover, DE
So here's a dumb question... I got my book The Daily Ukulele the other day. I notice that up towards the top at the beginning of the song is the "first note" diagram... is the first note supposed to be strummed or plucked? And beyond that my actual question is about the word NEXT to that little "first note" diagram... I see words like "lightly" "reverently" "with great joy" "freely" "moderately" "liltingly" (is that even a real word?) "lilting waltz" "flowingly" "brightly" "rousing" now I'm assuming thats the "attitude" that your supposed to have while playing, but come on... what the heck do they all really mean?
The first note indicates what you start singing on.

the other stuff, in my humble opinion, is somewhat open to interpretation.
My favorite in the book is "nasally" on The Chipmunk Song, page 298.

If I had to guess I would say those instructions started in the early days of opera as a way for the composer to express the mood of the piece and/or tempo. They are common in classical music and up for interpretation by the performer.
My favorite in the book is "nasally" on The Chipmunk Song, page 298.

If I had to guess I would say those instructions started in the early days of opera as a way for the composer to express the mood of the piece and/or tempo. They are common in classical music and up for interpretation by the performer.

HAHA... thats a cute little song... thanks for the idea about those instructions, that makes sense that way... and also might help you decide which type of strum is best for the song based on the "attitude" of the song?
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