Humidity and temperature..??

Staten Island, NY (part of NYC)

Average Relative Humidity:
New York Relative Humidity (Morning) 72%
New York Relative Humidity (Afternoon) 56%
Relative Humidity by Month (Percentage)
Jan. 	Feb. 	Mar. 	Apr. 	May. 	Jun. 	Jul. 	Aug. 	Sep. 	Oct. 	Nov. 	Dec.
68% 	68% 	67% 	67% 	71% 	74% 	75% 	78% 	79% 	76% 	73% 	69%
60% 	58% 	54% 	51% 	53% 	56% 	55% 	57% 	57% 	55% 	59% 	60%

And.. its between 60 and 70 degs F here this time of year, right now, its 64 degs, and 84% humid (but its been pouring for 2 days)
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Well right now it is 10 pm and our humidity is standing at 83% in the good old ATL and it was beautiful today with very few clouds.
Relative Humidity by Month (Percentage) Denver CO

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
63% 67% 67% 67% 70% 69% 68% 69% 68% 65% 68% 65%
49% 44% 40% 35% 38% 35% 34% 35% 34% 36% 49% 52%

Right now at 8:15 pm its 69.2f and 34%rh
Montreal, Canada here


It's 60 degrees and 70% humidity
It's 8pm here, 90 degrees, 13% humidity. Ideal conditions for a uke from Hawaii, right?:)

yeah right on that if you want a two or three piece top,,, but you forgot to mention where you are.....
,,, but you forgot to mention where you are.....

Psst! Mike!

No he didn't. It's in the upper right of his post, same as mine is.
Average Humidity By Month
Jan. 	Feb. 	Mar. 	Apr. 	May. 	Jun. 	Jul. 	Aug. 	Sep. 	Oct. 	Nov. 	Dec.
82% 	80% 	83% 	84% 	84% 	83% 	82% 	84% 	86% 	88% 	85% 	83%

74% 	67% 	62% 	58% 	55% 	53% 	49% 	50% 	56% 	67% 	75% 	78%

We don't need no steenkin' humidifiers!
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64 degrees
86 percent humidity
11:30 PM 9/28/08
Huntington Beach, CA
The heat humidity index today rated at not to sticky. But this evening was just right.;)

Its funny Mike I bought a uke from you and when I went to the post office to pick it up the lady at the counter knew who you were. Thanks again!
Well in about a week we dropped from 88% humidity to a whopping 17% today. Glad I bought a humidifier and think I'll be plugging it in today.
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