New chord shapes when tuned up?


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2010
Reaction score
Daylesford, Australia
Does anyone know if you need to change your chord shapes when your uke is tuned up a step? Or is it all the same? A c in GCEA is a c in aDF#B?
If you use the C chord shape that you know with D6 tuning (aDF#B), that would actually be a D chord. All chords would be 1 step up.

  C6     D6
   A  -> B
A#/Bb -> C
   B  -> C#/Db
   C  -> D
C#/Db -> D#/Eb
   D  -> E
D#/Eb -> F
   E  -> F#/Gb
   F  -> G
F#/Gb -> G#/Ab
   G  -> A
G#/Ab -> A#/Bb

If you're playing alone, you could use the same chord shapes but you would be playing in a different key; a song in the key of G in C6 (gCEA) would be in the key of A in D6 (aDF#B).

If you were playing along with someone who is using C6 tuning, you would need to use different chord shapes.
I'm really glad someone addressed this here, I love the way the D6 tuning sounds, but I didn't know anything about it at all. I can be such a dunderhead. Thanks!
You're welcome. I was afraid my explanation might be too complicated. I tried to make it simple, really! :D

To reiterate:
If you strum the open strings on a ukulele tuned to C6, you get a C6 chord; a uke tuned to D6 will yield a D6 chord.

Everything is one step up.
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