Wood storage, particularly soundboards


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2009
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
I have acquired several pieces of soundboard wood in Cedar, Spruce, and Redwood and have a question on storage. I've read a bit about stickering and am wondering if I need to store these like that or is it mainly for freshly sawn boards? These seem to be fairly well dried don't want to take a chance ruining them by not properly storing them.
Once mine is dry I store it on edge to save space. Otherwise I'd need about 10X the space I've already allocated to the wood stash. If your stash isn't all that big yet, then sticking it shouldn't be too much of an issue.
Aloha Kenikas,

At the risk of talking about a previously covered subject, you might give some thought to the humidity conditions that you'll be storing your wood in. Most builders seem to prefer a humidity range of 40-50% when they can achieve it either by humidifying or dehumidifying their storage environment. Stickering your wood would allow for the free circulation of air and equilibration of the plates with the desired humidity levels. That said, I've often just hung top and back plates by their corners using those black metal clips that are so popular for gluing on linings. Makes the shop look a little festive as well as long as you don't bang into them...
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