Help With Bar Chords


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
anyone have any tips for these damn things?
you your index finger to bar them (?) its kinda how it is, and if you watch some lessons, Aldrine shows you.

I would have to go with the same answer on this one. once you get them down not to hard to do. dont know your musical background but its the same on guitar also....

Howlie Boy
use your index with your middle to help keep it down. or middle with index to keep it down.
haha or use a pencil :D
just practice making the bar/barre itself. use your index or index & middle and concentrate on holding down all the strings to make sure they make a clear sound and arent muted. once you're sure you can do that, then you can add the chord shapes. it might take awhile but it makes a lot of sense when moving chord shapes around and getting other chords.
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For barre chords, make sure that you bring your thumb around so that it's pressing on the flat backside of the neck, almost directly beneath the finger you are using to bar with. The point on your hand where your pinky finger connects to your palm should also be closer to the neck than it usually is. Compared to holding regular chords, bar chords should make your hand move into a whole new position.
well just practice putting ur finger flat across the string after that add one finger with the bar and practice that and after that 2 fingers and so one. one thing to remeber is that when u move notes one fret up with a bar is a half step on the musical scale
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