Daily Ukuleel May 21st 2012


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2010
Reaction score
Swindon, UK
Good Morning Everyone :D

So I slept most of yesterday and because of that I didn't sleep much last night, if at all. I'm doing okay though, managed to do a load of uni work, revision and such and I got some more DU videos done so I have a backlog again :D

Page: 139
Song: Jackson



Grab your Uke and get :music:
Great job as always! Hope this finds you in good health.
Good song. Thanks. I'm always going through that big book and some how I never noticed that one. (and I can play all those chords and sort of sing it, Yeah)
Glad to hear you are hanging in there. I thought maybe you are doing a different segment but then I realized it was just a misspell in the title. Anyway, glad to hear you got some work done and you are doing okay. Take care.
Hi everyone,

This is B, Joey's carer. Just to let you all know that the infection got really bad and she's being seen by surgeons today with the possibility of surgery to excise the infection. She won't be posting her normal daily ukulele posts for a few days yet. I'll try to keep you informed though her Facebook and Twitter, if any of you are on there.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, as Joey said yesterday, things went downhill fast and it could be major surgery. As I said, will try to keep you informed.

Thanks for the update B. Please tell her that she is in our prayer and to get better.
Hi everyone,

B again, Joey had surgery this afternoon and is home resting, they're not sure if they won't have to go back in a week and re drain it all, but she's home and sleeping. I'll pass on your good wishes and hopefully the next post will be from her.


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