Medium-Low G Worth's for concert-size?


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2008
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North Yorkshire, UK.
I use the worth brown medium low g on a concert. I do not know what you mean by the normal low g but i assume you are talking about the medium part. Worth has different grades(?) of string (light, medium, hard, fat....) I am pretty sure it has something to do with the tension, light is less hard is more.

I really like the BM-LG on my concert, have used them for a coupel years now on the same uke.
Fluocarbonate low G strings give a better balance than wound ones and you don't get that screechy sound if you don't like it, but they sometimes have less tension and are a tiny bit wider if I remember well (haven't looked at a wound string for a while).
I tried the Worth CM low G string on my concert but I like the Fremont Clear low G one better, and the Living Water Strings set even more. The Worth string was a bit too slap for my taste. The LWS are perfect for me.
Have the Medium Browns on my Mainland slothead concert. I had to tune it up to A to get the tension I liked so I may try the Fremont Blacks which I currently have on my Lanikai Spalted Mango tenor and like a lot.
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