Apple Monopoly

Well said, well sung, well...
Samsung blue
Everybody knows one
Samsung blue
Every garden grows one
Well said, well sung, well...

CAn't beat a one chord song with hammer-ons :)

Samsung blue
Everybody knows one
Samsung blue
Every garden grows one

I read an article on the BBC web site which said that Apple still buy chips
and probably screens from Samsung. I just find that strange that you can
sue some and still do business with them at the same time. There does not
seem to be definite black and white areas in business and deals are done in
the grey areas. Apple are now seeking an injunction to stop all imports of
Samsung products that have used their technology. Monoploy means that
the consumer usually suffers.

Apple vs Samsung lawsuit explained.
In business...the dog eat dog world .....the bigger dog always wins.. elimanate the competitor
we as consumers always welcome competition....yeah price wars!!!
The problem is, within Apple, the "bankrupt everyone else at all costs" ethic is institutionalised thanks to Steve Jobs. Putting the opposition out of business was his reason for getting out of bed in the morning.
That pretty much illustrates the biggest problem with our legal system over here; and it's those problems that make health care here so expensive, etc. Any fool can make any outlandish case in our courts and it's frankly not that difficult to convince twelve folks who aren't smart enough to duck a long, boring trial at four bucks a day that the moon is made of green cheese... We'd have a lot less of this shenangins of all kinds if there were serious financial penalties for lawyers on the losing side in all civil trials.

The way our system is now no one ever pays a penalty for bringing ridiculous lawsuits, the lawyers on both sides win no matter what the outcome, and if you bring enough lawsuits sooner or later you're going to hit the jackpot when you manage to draw a jury of drooling idiots.

That pretty much illustrates the biggest problem with our legal system over here; and it's those problems that make health care here so expensive, etc. Any fool can make any outlandish case in our courts and it's frankly not that difficult to convince twelve folks who aren't smart enough to duck a long, boring trial at four bucks a day that the moon is made of green cheese... We'd have a lot less of this shenangins of all kinds if there were serious financial penalties for lawyers on the losing side in all civil trials.

The way our system is now no one ever pays a penalty for bringing ridiculous lawsuits, the lawyers on both sides win no matter what the outcome, and if you bring enough lawsuits sooner or later you're going to hit the jackpot when you manage to draw a jury of drooling idiots.


I worked for the UK patent office for a time in the early 1970s and we used to get case reports circulated. Cases like this were usually heard before a judge and no jury was involved.
That's the way all civil cases should be - pick a judge or even a three-person arbitration process using judges familiar with the issues being argued and go at it. Our legal system is great and reasonably balanced for criminal cases but that was all our forefathers really envisioned it being used for and that much is obvious from the language in the constitution.

Using essentially the same system for civil trials is ludicrous but the lawyers sure love it!

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