New song idea, what do you think?

I like the uke riff. Maybe you could tone down the drum tracks, they kind of drown out the uke playing.
Yes, please squash the automatic rhythm gadget. There seems to be some conflict between the guitar and uke at times. I'm not sure you intended that but it added interest.
I'm also of the "lose the drums" faction. They are far too busy, far too dominant and IMHO don't actually match the laid back melody. In addition, you have managed to create a timeless quality with the Uke and the solo doodling that is then brought screaming into the 21st Century by the IMHO "unsubtle" percussion track.

If you upload a copy of this without the drums, please inform me, as I would give it another listen and even see if I could come up with a vocal track and some lyrics. Keep creating! - Berni (Barbablanca)
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