Song Help Request How to strum Guantanamera ?


New member
Oct 10, 2012
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Hi there, watched several videos, but can´t pick up the right strumming pattern for this song. Can someone help ? Greetings Paddy
Many thanks for your support! I wasn´t aware one could take use guitar strums!... Still only at it since 4 weeks, but got pretty hooked by this instrument!

So far I assumed there is only one strum pattern per measure, he seems to be changing chords within the measure... while all chord examples for this song keep the g Chord during Chorus for the entire measure ?!?

I ve got one written strum example which I cant get to sound right:


Bold strums played as sixteenth, all others eigtht note.

Another example is only down strums in the rhythm, which doesn´t sounds that good.

Greetings Paddy
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My wife plays this strum, slightly different than yours:

D D u d u d U U u d u d u

Yes, the chord progresses throughout this strum pattern, so to break it down:

G chord: D D
C chord: u d u d
D chord: U U u
C chord: d u d u

Hope that helps.

The video does a great job. Btw.
You will get it:D
Don't over think it.
Another tip as you first try it. It may sound odd to you, but as you speed it up a little with practice it will sound right for you. Once you get the feel of it you won't be thinking it out anymore.
Last of all thanks for your interest in the song. You have got me playing it. It's quite fun.
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Thanks again for your feedback! I will give it a go! But there seem to be also patterns that keep the chord during measure. Lets see...

Do the CAPTIAL letters in your wifes strum pattern mean accentuated strums ?
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