Great Tour de Ukulele


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2008
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Tempe, AZ
I'm hoping to be planning a "Great Tour de Ukulele" in 2009. Hopefully my stops involve Chicago, New York(not sure where though), and Texas(again not sure where). The general reason for this trip is to just visit these places, but I'd also like to meet UU members and maybe have a jam session or something of the sort.

Any other ideas?
That isn't rain, it's a special serum that allows us PNW people to have youthful dewey skin no matter our age. Californians learned our secret and in the 80's began to move up here en masse to enjoy the rejuvenating effects.

Ponce de Leon was looking in the wrong place all those years ago. :)
However many stops I make depends on the cash flow at the time. Indiana and Seattle sound like cool places.
Well, considering I've only been to California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and Wisconsin...yea. They seem like cool places to go to.
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