Great Ukes Made in China II

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2011
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so ya, i totally am still stuck in the days before mommyrators/goderators. 'the real internet' days, i like to call them.. sorry, my bad.. reality check...

so anyway, according to the rules, I have ukes for sale. yes I do..

and so does my good friend.. he really has a lot.. some say he's a bit of a collector or connoisseur or luthier..

whats that? yes, he does, in fact make his own ukuleles, and he makes more all the time, and yes, we actually own them

he'd post in this forum himself, i'm sure, except he doesnt even speak or read a "lick" (pun) of english

and if that wasnt bad enough, he actually had all of his fingers and toes melted off in a hazardous toy factory, so he cant even type..

he'd actually use his nose if he could.. but he lost most of that in a shoes factory accident elsewhere.

to make matters worse, Microsoft voice recognition doesnt understand any of the 5 different dialects he speaks, so he cant even use basic speech-to-text functions, poor fella

but he loves to play & sing, albeit a bit nasally

so ya, I'm helping him out as well.. he has alot of very fine ukes.. some made in China, some made in Italy, and he's always collecting more..

i cant go over the entire list of ukes he has, that i also, of course, OWN.. but even the higher-end ukes only run about 150-200 US dollars, which feeds his entire family of 8 for 3 months.

so just PM me for details and i'll have someone translate and speak loudly into where his ears used to be before losing them whilst, yes, making Christmas lights in yet another factory.


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so ya, i totally am still stuck in the days before mommyrators/goderators. 'the real internet' days, i like to call them.. sorry, my bad.. reality check...

Yeah, that'll be sure to get the mods on your side.
Your two threads are the very definition of spam. If you have an uke for sale, post it. Otherwise, there's this site called: "ebay" that might interest you.
((scammer spammer))
I am surprised when they locked one of your threads yesterday they didn't lock them all. Your posts were similar to capital investing spamming, and now the kids angle. There is a list of rules for posting ukes for sale. I am currently investing my uke money in Nigeria with a royal family's uke factory, but i will get an excellent return on investment.Sorry,I am tapped out. Btw my best friend is Chinese and his famiy does import export.Thanks for your thoughtful offer.
Tenzen, you have been banned for 30 days for posting spam. I hope you come back, but if you do - please be conscientious. Thanks.
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