Ken Middleton

Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
Reaction score
Newcastle under Lyme, England
I have always loved this tune ever since I learned to play it in the '60's.

I was unhappy with the version I recorded a few years back as I, for some unaccountable reason, tried to copy Bob Dylan's own recording (even to the harmonica part). Stupid! I don't really see any point to copying other people's versions of songs.

The uke part on this new recording looks and sounds very simple. It is actually a bit trickier than it seems.

Anyway, here it it. I have messed with it quite a lot.

Great job Ken, I am sure Bob would be pleased. Your video was very classy and artistic as well. I think this is one of your best efforts; please keep it up!
Great song and so well done, Ken! Thanks!

Thanks very much for watching.

For those who are interested, here is the first version that I recorded 4 years ago. I don't know why I tried to copy Dylan. Silly, really. I can never do his version better than him, so what's the point? It makes me cringe to watch it.

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Nicely done !!!
It looks like you pinky remains on the "C" on the "A" string, are you droning that note?
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