Weird or cool or both

Wow that is wild...about as wild as AC/DC on the shamisen.....hee heee thank you for sharing
very, very, cool!
How Cool Was That?

Most Cool!

and, it's mya moe 32-string lap steel, too!
That is 1000% awesome!
What an interesting instrument! Like a cross between a zither and a hammered dulcimer. Very cool!
no, that's definitely cool
This is amazing as are some of the other pieces she posted on YouTube. In China it's called a guzheng. I have a friend with one, but she's only every played traditional music.
A vote 1 part weird, to 4 parts cool.. Being a Hendrix fan, if he was still around, he'd of rocked it on that too..
I love it. It's great when artists use traditional instruments to interpret more modern music. I like the Yoshida Brothers too.
Wow, she just friggin rocks that thing!! Thanks for posting this...whew!
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