I've Been Deached. Now it's my turn.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Central Jersey
You may or may have not read about my theft incident involving my ukulele. Regardless, I would like to share this with you all:

Leaving out many details, this is what happened: my ukulele was stolen. It was my only one. But St. Deach learned about this holiday woe and helped.

I've always thought of myself as an optimist and I am a happy person but it's no secret that many people aren't really.. humane? This "random" act of kindness made me think... this selfless person greatly helps so many people... but what happens after that one person is helped? Does the good energy just die? Well, I don't want that to happen.

My idea is this... once the holidays die down and my Christmas expenses are paid off, I plan on going to my local MusicBox and donating at least one instrument to my school, and / or someone online, like Deach has, selflessly, so many times. Perhaps starting a local Uke-Circle or something will give me another medium to spread the love. This will work. And it will be amazing.


And Deach... up yours. <3

Well that story just warms the heart. It's great that Deach has inspired you to pay it forward. :)

Congrats on your new uke. :)
Yeah, man. That's exactly what I was thinking, 'pay it forward.' I'm thinking of going into New York or Philadelphia and attracting homeless people with my ukulele playing in the park and then making a homeless parade into a DunkinDonuts and buying breakfast sandwiches galore. Dead serious.

Congrats on getting Deached. Now go start a homeless parade and make DunkinDonuts rich! Haha, just kidding. If you ever really do that parade idea, I would love to see you record it and upload it for all to see! I bet you'll inspire someone ;)
WAY TO GO BRO! WAY TO GO! Ukulele Underground members FREAKING RULE!
I think you should Deach Deach. That would be so awesome.

(psst... i've been trying to find his address... at least his town... i was trying to look up overnight shipping prices to send him at least a six pack or something but no luck.)

Yeah, man. That's exactly what I was thinking, 'pay it forward.' I'm thinking of going into New York or Philadelphia and attracting homeless people with my ukulele playing in the park and then making a homeless parade into a DunkinDonuts and buying breakfast sandwiches galore. Dead serious.


dude that would be awesome! who could say no to 100 homeless people asking for food?

btw: dont answer this question lol.
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