is baritone harder?


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
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I have been thinking of getting a baritone instead of a tenor and i just noticed that the chord were different. Is it harder?:confused:
I think some people like baritone if they're converting from guitar, because the strings are the same as four of the guitar's.

But.... instead of learning new tuning you can just buy GCEA strings for baritone!
I guess the answer to your question is "It can be harder" :D Baritone Ukuleles are usually tuned DGBE. Thats why the chords that you saw were different from the usual tuning. If you are familiar with playing the guitar then it would be easy to play becuase it is tuned the same as the 4 bottom strings of the guitar. If you are a Uke player who has never played a guitar then I guess this would be harder because you will have to learn a new set of chords.

the good news is that you can get strings for the Baritone that would tune it to GCEA. this way you don't have to relearn anything. SO is it harder??? It can be!!!;)
The chord "fingerings" are the same, but, the chords are different in the same place on the neck, because the tuning is different. But, learn to play the one and you can already play the other. The trick is playing with a room full of people when you don't know the song. I do it all the time, but I've played for over forty years.
Harder is a relative thing... If you know your uke GCEA chords then you pretty much know the dgbe chords, the names are differernt obviously. Everything on a dgbe tuned instrument is basically off by a 5th.

For example: your current G and G7 chords on GCEA magically become your D and D7 chords on guitar and baritone uke. D becomes A, C becomes G, etc. To visualize it, hold up your hand and use your thumb as the starting chord, now count up the scale to your pinkie:

Thumb: G7
index: A7
middle: B7
ring: C7
pinkie: D7

So no worries! it just takes a smidge of time to coordinate fingers and brain. Just remember that sometimes "easy" in GCEA chords will become your least favorite in DGBA and vice versa. Just remember it's a circle.....if you go up 5 its essentially the same as down 4.

Edit: spelling error
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The biggest difference I've seen is with the strumming techniques. Chord fingering same, just makes different chord IE C fingering = G chord on a baritone. Every chord is five half steps lower on a baritone.

GCEA Fingering = DGBE Chord Sound

C = G
C# = G#
D = A
D# = A#
E = B
F= C
F#= C#
G = D
G# = D#
A = E
A# = F
B = F#
So for those playing along at home... the GCEA fingering will equal the V (5th) of that chord in DGBE. The C fingering in GCEA is G in DGBE. G is the 5th of C (CEG). And so on...
What I did to make things easier is create lyric sheets with chord "names" over the places in the tune where they change and regardless of the placement on the neck, a "G" is a "G" is a "G", so learn the chords on your instrument and you are good to go. Same with those few guitarists that like to play along.

BTW... a baritone in a room full of sopranos and concerts can really add a lot.
Yeah but those little tricks can help when you're starting out. Like when I was first learning bass clef. The name of note in bass clef is the same note in treble a third up. That helped. "I have what looks like an A here, but it's a C because that's the on the space above it in treble."

So knowing at first that the G fingering that you're used to in GCEA is... what's the 5th of G? That's right, D. It means no slowly flipping through chord books.
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