I've got a gig!


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2008
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I haven't gigged for about 4 years, apart from possibly one open mic night. Tomorrow night I'm going to see a friend's band, and at the last moment, their opening act dropped out, and I've got the gig! I offered to do it, not really expecting to be accepted, now I have 24 hours to get something together!

Anyhow, it'll all be guitar, since I don't have a decent uke yet, and also because I'm supporting a LOUD rock band, so I need to do my most upfront material. I'll take my crappy video camera down, and if I can get anything good enough, I'll shove it up on Youtube.
congrats and good luck! there is nothing better than the feeling of being up there and showing the world your talent.. dang.. now i wanna perform again.. haha.. :D
yeh congrats... hope its all swell

and good luck :D
I don't think my bare arse will be appearing this time, though look out for naked beach ukulele videos in the summer! I only have one uke Ric, and it's a poorly intonating Mahalo, plus I just don't have any appropriate material. Next time out, I will for sure.
Break a leg!
Well, it went off, and I did ok. I didn't kill it, but I didn't die either. Sadly, I forgot to get anyone to video, and I was disgusted to find that my right hand now cramps after 6 songs, so I clearly need to be playing more! On the plus side, my humorous version of Hallelujah (attacking the X Factor people who made an awful version of it Christmas #1 here) went over really well, so expect to see a recording of that on Youtube in the next few days!
Congratulations Sam. It's so good to walk away from a performance feeling good about yourself.
Ain't y'all got no dickshunairy, Sam?! Ain't no "blimey" or "crikey" or "bloody" in it! LOL!

Congrats on the gig. Many do not understand what it takes to play several hours on stage. It's a workout for sure. Ric

I used to do 2 hours, 3 nights a week (ten years ago now), and I obviously knew I wasn't up to scratch for that, but I wasn't expecting right hand cramp after 6 songs! I think playing uke has softened me up! (incidentally, bloody is in the dictionary)
(incidentally, bloody is in the dictionary)

Different meaning on this side of the pond:


Main Entry: 1bloody
Pronunciation: \ˈblə-dē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): blood·i·er; blood·i·est
Date: before 12th century
1 a: containing or made up of blood b: of or contained in the blood
2: smeared or stained with blood
3: accompanied by or involving bloodshed ; especially : marked by great slaughter
4 a: murderous b: merciless , cruel
5: bloodred
6sometimes vulgar : damned—often used as an intensive
— blood·i·ly \ˈblə-dəl-ē\ adverb
— blood·i·ness \ˈblə-dē-nəs\ noun
synonyms bloody , sanguinary , gory mean affected by or involving the shedding of blood. bloody is applied especially to things that are actually covered with blood or are made up of blood <bloody hands>. sanguinary applies especially to something attended by, or someone inclined to, bloodshed <the Civil War was America's most sanguinary conflict>. gory suggests a profusion of blood and slaughter <exceptionally gory, even for a horror movie>.
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