Double-Jointed Fingers?


Active member
Nov 19, 2008
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Ever since I was little I have been able to do this weird trick with my fingers. Basically, I can make my fingers do an awkward snapping/jerking motion. It's kinda hard to explain, but everyone tells me that its because my fingers are "double-jointed". However, being "double-jointed" means you have flexible joints, which can help with holding down tricky chords like E and barring, but MY fingers don't seem to be very flexible. Instead my fingers usually get really stiff when holding down some chords and sometimes its kinda painful to do so.

I was wondering if anyone else out there has this same problem.
Any advice or similar stories will be helpful.

I forgot what chord it was, but all I remember is that it hurt and my pinky started to spaz out uncontrollably! It was weird.

Are your fingers flexible?
I'm double jointed as well. The best way to control the spazzing that I can think of is to practice scales as warm-ups before you seriously begin playing. That way you'll be really limber before you seriously begin playing.

I typically get a real kick out of being double jointed. It helps with doing barres with the ring finger. I occasionally use my left pinky for barres as well. :D
Great suggestion!
I never warm-up. I just jump right into a song and call it a "warm-up" HA!
I'll be sure to start doing that, hopefully it will help out with those painful chords.

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