hurdy gurdy


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2012
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South california
Wanted to share this instrument my uncle just showed me sounds like a bagpipe to me not sure how it works but I like how it sounds. All I know is it hits all strings at once so it is very similar to a bagpipe where it blows out of all the pipes at once
It's been described as a mechanical violin. You crank a wheel accross the strings instead of bowing it. But they are very fussy instruments, and difficult to play well. Awesome sound though. I've wished for one for years.
I'll see your laptop hurdy-gurdy and raise you a giant hurdy-gurdy played by a guy with devil horns backed by bagpipes and drums:

That giant hurdy-gurdy is called an organistrum. They were actually around first, until someone thought to scale one down so it could be played by one person.
That giant hurdy-gurdy is called an organistrum. They were actually around first, until someone thought to scale one down so it could be played by one person.

Well, you learn something every day. Thanks!
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