93rd Season of the Ukulele: METAL

The Ukelites

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Mar 31, 2012
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93rd Season of the Ukulele: METAL

Don’t panic, friends of soft sounds, it’s not about the musical genre (in the contest entries).
We want you to do a song that has some metal or alloy in the title, e.g. iron, steel, gold, silver, lead, tin, copper, titanium …

Usual rules:
• One official entry only
• Ukulele front & center
• Mulitracking: If you have a clear single continuous take as main track you may do some overdubs
• a new recording with somehow integrated Season reference
• Song title in the movie title (please!)
• Start: Sunday Nov. 24th 12:00 am Hawaiian Time
• End: Sunday Dec. 1st 12:00 pm Hawaiian Time

Judging by us (overall performance), two prices, one price out of the hat too
Prizes t.b.a.

Playlist Official Entries:


Bonus Section:
HEAVY METAL (Death Metal, Speed Metal, Doom Metal, Hardcore …), whatever the title is, as long as it fits the genre it counts.

Now this is about the musical genre! Humor does score in the Bonus Section, but not only. Make us laugh, amaze us, make us fall down on our knees and shout that we’re unworthy, have fun and rock hard!

• You can post to two bonus songs
• please make clear it’s a bonus

Special prize t.b.a.

Playlist Bonus Entries:
great theme you guys!

when you said metal i said YAY!

then you said no not heavy metal, just A metal in the TITLE

and i cried a bit

but then you said bonuses can just be M.E.T.A.L.

and i was happy again!


i've already been through all the emotions!

can't wait for the music to begin...
"Gold" a John Stewart song. I have always liked this song.
My voice was a bit weird on this - very breathless and no volume - my first take (yes I had to do 2) was an octave lower and I could hardly hear the vocals.
Could have done with some of your beaut Ubass on this Steffen - it has a pretty dominant bass part in the original.
"Gold" a John Stewart song. I have always liked this song.
My voice was a bit weird on this - very breathless and no volume - my first take (yes I had to do 2) was an octave lower and I could hardly hear the vocals.
Could have done with some of your beaut Ubass on this Steffen - it has a pretty dominant bass part in the original.

I see you have played the T-shirt card early :)
Gee I would love to see a ukulele version of AC/DC's Thunderstruck

Ive got a book of Ac/Dc for ukulele but they are to hard for me to play, wish i was good enough to play them as Acca Dacca are one of the greatest bands (especially the Bonn Scott years)
okie dokie here is my contest entry, of possible interest to scrap metal dealers and pawn brokers the world over

band of gold

i love this song

and did i mention already? i LOVE this week's theme!
Hearts of Steel by Berni Armstrong

Irish History is a rich source for songs. This is a song of mine I wrote when I came across the story of the Hearts of Steel, who were a workers and peasants' organisation who attempted to fight back against some unjust decisions imposed on them by their landlords in the 1770s. The whole story is here.

Lyrics (and my commentary on the birth of this song and its continuing relevance) in the description section.
Well, folks, it's already entertaining a lot, what a start :) :)

Pabrizzer: Gold
Thank you, Pa, for this great Season start! Didn’t know this one. Very enjoyable recording, best possible dress choice!

wee_ginga_yin: By The Light Of The Silvery Moon
Thank you, Rob, for this very charming performance of this wonderful song. Great playing and superb outfit (a Fez is always a good choice!). Loved this!
Pabrizzer played the T-Shirt card early, but you can still play your knees card!

BirdsEyeOfMyUke: Band Of Gold
Thank you for this great entry - you give this Freda Payne song a really new and warm singer/songwriter touch.
Looking forward to your M.E.T.A.L. Bonus!

Xommen: Silver And Gold
Thanks, Wim, we’re convinced that you will always find the right U2 Song and over the years we Seasonistas all will become U2 experts! Good song and well done again!

Barbablanca: Hearts Of Steel
Interesting lyrics and story behind, suitable music and great singing: a perfect performance again, Bernie. We’re proud to have one of your originals in this Season! Thank you!

We love the Seasons!
In case you're stuck for a song title, here's a list of all the metals to be found in the periodic table of elements:
[U]#:[/U]   [U]Element[/U]
1:    Hydrogen (can be both metal and nonmetal)
3:    Lithium
4:    Beryllium
11:   Sodium
12:   Magnesium
13:   Alumin[i]um
19:   Potassium
20:   Calcium
21:   Scandium
22:   Titanium
23:   Vanadium
24:   Chromium
25:   Manganese
26:   Iron
27:   Cobalt
28:   Nickel
29:   Copper
30:   Zinc
31:   Gallium
37:   Rubidium
38:   Strontium
39:   Yttrium
40:   Zirconium
41:   Niobium
42:   Molybdenum
43:   Technetium
44:   Ruthenium
45:   Rhodium
46:   Palladium
47:   Silver
48:   Cadmium
49:   Indium
50:   Tin
55:   Cesium
56:   Barium
57:   Lanthanum
58:   Cerium
59:   Praseodymium
60:   Neodymium
61:   Promethium
62:   Samarium
63:   Europium
64:   Gadolinium
65:   Terbium
66:   Dysprosium
67:   Holmium
68:   Erbium
69:   Thulium
70:   Ytterbium
71:   Lutetium
72:   Hafnium
73:   Tantalum
74:   Tungsten
75:   Rhenium
76:   Osmium
77:   Iridium
78:   Platinum
79:   Gold
80:   Mercury
81:   Thallium
82:   Lead
83:   Bismuth
87:   Francium
88:   Radium
89:   Actinium
90:   Thorium
91:   Protactinium
92:   Uranium
93:   Neptunium
94:   Plutonium
95:   Americium
96:   Curium
97:   Berkelium
98:   Californium
99:   Einsteinium
100:  Fermium
101:  Mendelevium
102:  Nobelium
103:  Lawrencium
104:  Rutherfordium
105:  Dubnium
106:  Seaborgium
107:  Bohrium
108:  Hassium
109:  Meitnerium
110:  Darmstadtium
111:  Roentgenium
112:  Copernicium
113:  Ununtrium - will probably be a basic metal.
114:  Flerovium - probably a basic metal.
115:  Ununpentium - will probably be a basic metal.
116:  Livermorium - probably a basic metal.

Here's that list again, this time in alphabetical order:
 [U]#:[/U]   [U]Element[/U]

89:   Actinium
13:   Alumin[i]um
95:   Americium
56:   Barium
97:   Berkelium
4:    Beryllium
83:   Bismuth
107:  Bohrium
48:   Cadmium
20:   Calcium
98:   Californium
58:   Cerium
55:   Cesium
24:   Chromium
27:   Cobalt
112:  Copernicium
29:   Copper
96:   Curium
110:  Darmstadtium
105:  Dubnium
66:   Dysprosium
99:   Einsteinium
68:   Erbium
63:   Europium
100:  Fermium
114:  Flerovium - probably a basic metal.
87:   Francium
64:   Gadolinium
31:   Gallium
79:   Gold
72:   Hafnium
108:  Hassium
67:   Holmium
1:    Hydrogen 
77:   Iridium
26:   Iron
57:   Lanthanum
103:  Lawrencium
82:   Lead
3:    Lithium
116:  Livermorium - probably a basic metal.
71:   Lutetium
12:   Magnesium
25:   Manganese
109:  Meitnerium
101:  Mendelevium
80:   Mercury
42:   Molybdenum
60:   Neodymium
93:   Neptunium
28:   Nickel
41:   Niobium
102:  Nobelium
76:   Osmium
46:   Palladium
78:   Platinum
94:   Plutonium
19:   Potassium
59:   Praseodymium
61:   Promethium
91:   Protactinium
88:   Radium
75:   Rhenium
45:   Rhodium
111:  Roentgenium
37:   Rubidium
44:   Ruthenium
104:  Rutherfordium
62:   Samarium
21:   Scandium
106:  Seaborgium
47:   Silver
11:   Sodium
38:   Strontium
73:   Tantalum
43:   Technetium
65:   Terbium
81:   Thallium
90:   Thorium
69:   Thulium
50:   Tin
22:   Titanium
74:   Tungsten
115:  Ununpentium - will probably be a basic metal.
113:  Ununtrium - will probably be a basic metal.
92:   Uranium
23:   Vanadium
70:   Ytterbium
39:   Yttrium
30:   Zinc
40:   Zirconium

As always, here to help!! :) :)

Damn! I forgot the alloys! :(
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Thanks, Paul ... I did the same thing for myself. List of alloys is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_alloys

The only commonly known ones I saw that don't already contain the name of an elemental metal were:


Longer list of elemental metals here: http://www.elementalmatter.info/list-of-metals.htm
In case you want some obscure ones and transitional metals / metalloids....

Have fun, y'all. I couldn't help wanting to look for unusual / non-obvious ones myself! No silver and gold for this girl.... (Musically, I mean. Feel free to give me either, if you're so moved. :))

Middlesbrough was built on iron so no prizes for guessing which metal my entry will feature. Been practising this afternoon.
Ugh- so distracted here! Can't find a song that will do for an entry...have a million Heavy Metal bonus ideas. Oh well, it will all resolve. For now a bit of amusement.
I tell my fifth graders every year when they start Chemistry that they can have bonus points if the sing this for us. This year 14 of them did it. It was RIDICULOUS...and amusing, and why I got to work every day.
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