Understanding The Fingerboard


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2009
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Airstream, USA
I've reposted on my site an interview I did with Bosko (of Bosko & Honey fame) a couple of years ago in Australia where he explains the CAGFD system of understanding the ukulele fingerboard. Enlightenment may await!
Thanks, Jim! Very enlightening indeed, I hadn't seen this before and was looking for something... Open chords are great and have their place, but there are so many others! It's pretty overwelming to figure them all out starting from scratch. And while chord books have a purpose, they don't work for me and don't add any knowledge, skill or awareness. This way I can take the knowledge, make it mine, and not refer to another tool. Thanks again, to you and Bosco for sharing this!
Yeah, I think that guy, Aaron from Hawaii Music Supply (The Ukulele Site), uses the mnemonic, Can Always Go Fishing Daytime. It works for the major chords, minor chords. But anyone know if they work for any others?
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