Debating Hawaii's Official Instrument

Yeah, seems like a DUH!
The AP report I read said it was sort of like having a ceremony for a long standing common law marriage. I agree. Ukulele is the official instrument of Hawaii, whether they vote to make it official or not.
It's the perfect choice. There are other Hawaiian instruments, of course, but none so synonymous with the state.
I imagine that most states don't have an official state instrument. Ukulele has probably been the unofficial state instrument since Hawaii became a state. As Ukejenny said, this is appears to be making official what everyone already assumed anyway.
I'm glad to know that Hawaii is making an honest instrument of the ukulele. :D
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(my former state) Virginia has a state tree and a state flower... telephone pole, and satellite dish !!
"Any politician elected to office in the State of Hawaii shall be required to learn how to play the ukulele as to attain the proper amount of Aloha".

Just sayin'.
What other instrument would be in the running to be considered as Hawai'i's state instrument? the ipu?
Voice. Mele Oli, and Mele Hula, dance, I think. But yeah, uke.
C'mon man, don't make me google twice.
There's a well known song from the 20s by Charles Kaapa called Hame Pila, the first verse translates to

Famous is a certain hame pila
The sweet sounding instrument which teases
The sweetheart

(the whole lyric is here:

As far as I know no one knows exactly what it was, adding to the intrigue.
Ahh, got it. Hadda google that first bit, Hawaiians have been there for a few years before westerners brought their instruments, they had to have done something, seems like it was voice and dance. But yeah, uke.
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Lawmakers here are considering a bill that would dub the ukulele the official state instrument, a designation that seems in some ways like a formal ceremony for a common-law marriage.'s not already the state instrument????

What other instrument would be in the running to be considered as Hawai'i's state instrument? the ipu?

The most well known would be the steel/lap guitar. If I'm not mistaken Rickenbacker made the first ones in the 1930s used mainly in Hawaii. They basically invented the modern electric guitar in Los Angeles.
I imagine that most states don't have an official state instrument. Ukulele has probably been the unofficial state instrument since Hawaii became a state. As Ukejenny said, this is appears to be making official what everyone already assumed anyway.

The official instrument of Kentucky is the Appalachian dulcimer. Personally, I think it should be the acoustic guitar, since there aren't that many dulcimer players in my state, and really, never have been.

But in Hawaii, I would imagine there is a ukulele in nearly every household. At least one, definitely making it unofficially the state instrument until now.
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