Would you post a link to my site on your site?


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
Sunless Rustbelt Northeast Ohio
This post truly *is* shameless self promotion.

The straight scoop: I'm semi-retired and trying to supplement my SS with a little extra "passive income"... and I think I've designed a pretty darn good ukulele chord chart. With extras.

I used to sell my printed Ukulele Chord Chart for $4.95 and mail it out. But now I've decided to just sell a PDF download for a micropayment of $1.39. Less than a cup of coffee at Mickey D's. After fees I make about a buck. And trust me, I'm NOT getting rich. ;)

It's a nicely done chart if I do say so myself. And it does pretty well in the search engines. But I'd love to up my position in the search results and see what could happen with more traffic. One of the ways that is done is to increase the number of quality sites that have a link on them to my site.

SO... if you take a look at my site, and you feel the chart is a good one, and YOU have a ukulele-themed site or blog...

Would you post a link on your site to my chart?

Oh! And I'd be happy to email you the PDF chart for free if you post a link to your site for me to see, as I'm always looking for new uke resources!

Thanks for your consideration!


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It's a great chart Fred. Will certainly post a link to it on my site (though in truth mine would get far less traffic than yours already does LOL). Well done mate!
Been meaning to get a copy, just bought one. Thanks for the hard work
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