My Motorhead Mmmbop video has gone crazy


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2008
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It took 3 weeks to get to 500 views (600 is the most any of my videos has), and now, overnight, it's jumped to 1850! I guess it's gone a little bit viral, and I'm thrilled!
Wicked - that's a win! Thanks for the steer to that Statistics page HaileSelasi; really good. Nice to be farked, but as far as I can tell, I've only had one sub from it. I'm over 2000 views now, so almost 4 times any of my other videos, so subs or no subs, I'll take that!
Actually, I can't find under Insight the reference to that Fark page? There's something that says I got 7% or so from the Fark embedded player, but I don't see anything about the 1200 hits, or the actual Fark page. Teach me dudes!
If you take a look on the videos statistic & data page, there is a page which links to your vid

Hey cool! I've never even noticed that tab before. :eek: Thanks for the tip, HaileISela.

Apparently, I'm famous in France. Look out Jerry Lewis!

Hey Sam, a similar thing happened to me in October with my "Fell in Love with a Girl" cover. The following is C&P from my blog.

On the day it was posted it received 40 views. This is actually pretty good compared to my other videos. Then it dropped to ten, and finally to six. It was popular for one day.

Then something unexpected happened. On October 11, it received 120 views! Crazy! No other video of mine has been viewed this many times in one day.

But it didn't end there, it continued to climb until October 14 when the bubble burst.

Then came the insanity. 1500 views on October 16. How is that possible? It wasn't even featured. Friends must have sent links to their friends and so on until... boom.

It has dropped off considerably from that point on and was still in the hundreds until October 24. Now it's just creeping along. Still, it was fun while it lasted.
There are a lot more ways to get famous than being featured. I saw the Kazookeylele video when it had <60 views, and I pimped it everywhere - every message board I visit, because I thought it had universal appeal. The next day, it had 600k views. THEN it got featured, and got to 1.2 million in the next 24 hours. For the likes of us mortals, someone picking it up and posting it on means a lot more than anything Youtube are likely to do. My 600 previous record was only due to others pimping me - the 2300 I now have is way beyond my personal sphere of influence! I love teh interwebz. Maybe one day I'll be Julia Nunes..........
I should say that I'm sure I wasn't responsible for any more than about 150 of Kazookeylele's views, but a LOT of other people must have done what I did. Or maybe just one, who pimped it in the right place, where everyone was listening.
I also discovered through that page that my Hallelujah pastiche made it onto the NME blog, and yet only about 5 people clicked through, and that my cover of American Music Club's "Sleeping Beauty" got posted on their blog (they said I played it on banjo?), and yet that only got about 5 click-throughs too.
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