When are you supposed to thickness body wood?


Active member
Apr 22, 2011
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This is probably a dumb question, but I just got my ukulele wood (yay!) and I'm trying to figure out if I'm supposed to get the wood to the correct thickness right after I have the boards jointed and glued together or after I've cut out the body shape.
I feel like it's supposed to be before I cut out the body shape, but I'm not sure?
I always cut the body shape before sanding down to thickness ..can't see the point in sanding material that i'm going to throw away :)
I sand to thickness first then cut to shape. That way the excess can be used for binding as it will be .080" :)
For guitars I cut the shape out first. For ukulele, I need as much space as I can get to hold onto it :p And it's so little material overall that making a few more wood chips isn't a big waste of effort.
Depends how you're thinning it. If planing, that square edge and extra area can be handy to hold the wood. If sanding, I'd cut it off first
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