Ukulele Women on YouTube?

Sarah Maisel ... Enthusiast, Artist, Master Instructor/Educator
I've barely scratched the surface and I'm loving going through all your suggestions - thank you :)
Another one for Allison Young, Honoka, Danielle Ate the Sandwich, Lauren Baba, Sophie Madeleine, Charlotte Pelgen, Dani Joy, and Sarah Maisel. I'm also a fan of Jeon Garam; she's like a hidden jem. I believe Jeon is her surname and Garam her given. Korean surnames are usually single syllables followed by a two syllable given name.

Some other suggestions:

Sam Muir (UK)
Natasha Ghosh (Netherlands)
Elisabeth Pfeiffer (Germany)
The Lee Sisters (US)
Heidi Swedberg (US)
Victoria Vox (US)
Amelia Coburn (UK)
SydneyUke (Thailand)
Reinya Nosa (Japan)
anathebandah (US)
Van Anh (Netherlands)

I believe the last two are just amateurs having fun. Also, I think they can all be found on youtube, but some of them have more content on other social media, which is how I came across them. And I was going to mention WeTigersukesongs, who are a male and female duo, but I think it's mostly the gentleman that plays the ukulele.
I really like a young singer/uke player who is half of a ukulele duo called Tea for Two from Chernihiv, Ukraine. Крис Пивункова & Nezzgraba Ok.
Great voice. Very good player on uke, base and piano. Her partner is also very good. They cover a wide range of songs and styles in English and Ukrainian. (Maybe Russian as well?)
She graduated from High School in 2018!
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Oops. I forgot Diane Nalini from Canada, a multilingual jazz musician who's primarily a singer, but also plays a fantastic LFdM.
we've really come a long way. Do you remember in the 90's when women ukulele players on youtube basically meant young pretty girls in horn-rimmed glasses doing their best to emulate a Lisa Loeb vibe? Now we have bona fide musicians to watch and learn from.
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