The Green Glass Door


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2014
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I used to play this game on another forum and am curious to see if it'll work here.
In the middle of a field, on top of a small hill, there stands a green glass door. The door is very picky and will only allow certain things through. If you know what can pass through, comment with an example. If you don't know, read through the comments and see if you can figure it out. (Don't post the answer, just an example of what can and can't go through!) I'll start with a few examples:
A goose can pass through the green glass door, but not a gander.
Live bears cannot pass through the green glass door, but teddies are welcome.
Music on the other side of the green glass door will be sadly lacking, as ukuleles aren't allowed. A u-bass is, though!
You can serve cheese on the other side of the green glass door, but not with wine.
There is beer though, but no cider :)
Llamas will fair just fine beyond the green glass door. Alpacas, though, have to stay behind.
You can wear clothes fastened with buttons beyond the green glass door, but not clothes fastened with snaps.
You can have stuffing and brussel sprouts behind the green glass door, but no turkey :(
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