Perhaps the awesomest ukulele video ever

I never never NEVER could see a thing in those pictures. Honest. Is this normal?

i can never see those... i am dyslexic.. humm

I'd appriciate it if you all stop talking about my future wife in this way....

PS seriously uke and hula hoop...aren't we trying to make uke a mainstream instrument free of the sideshow past! haha jokes jokes..

i did the ukulele hula hoop thing... i did not look as good..

There's always someone who has to raise the bar!

*gets out bikini, tap shoes and ping pong balls*

1000 views in a day.. i mean right.. doing ukulele in a swimsuit gets you some some major subs..

get it out deach!
You are like Hooperobics, very good hulahooping bro... No offense to you but I just don't get that tickly feeling know where...when I watch your vid. Not like when I watch her, when I feel like I'm melting...

Well, that's only because she is playing a ukulele.
jz found my dream woman..
You are like Hooperobics, very good hulahooping bro... No offense to you but I just don't get that tickly feeling know where...when I watch your vid. Not like when I watch her, when I feel like I'm melting...
Hush up boy, the man looks just fine.
now, that's talent!

is there something women cannot do? this would nearly be impossible for us men since the most of us can only do one thing at a time (ask my wife)....

cool video though. thanks for sharing...:shaka:

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