::Leader Board:: Ahnko Honu Takes The Lead Chapter 23!

I hope that's the case, Gary. I like to think it is, too. Look at the ages of the old white guys causing all this havoc - most of them are flirting with the nursing home. I really hope this is the last gasp of the old regime that's panicking, but I see so many people who have been freed to let their bigotry fly since 45 took the office. Way more than I would have ever expected. So as much as I hope it's the last gasp of the failing old white guy regime, I see those other signs that make me very scared and sad.

In Cupertino it was just like this. I had people yell at me at gas stations because they thought I was Chinese. The Chinese and Indians were coming over in droves, buying houses sight unseen to tear them down and build monstrosities. The city council was angry because Indian and Chinese people were starting to get politically active and now there were enough of them to start getting on school boards and the city council. The animosity was so great that the city council turned down a Chinese businessmen who was willing to build and donate a library and property and all he wanted was to have the library named after him.

It really was the old school farming families and their heirs being pushed out of "their home." Lot's of anger. Twenty five years later things are much more diverse and the political climate reflects the changes but it didn't happen without much anger and animosity.
I'm pretty sure Mr Rourke was a dictator too, but they all seemed pretty happy.

I was always surprised that everybody whose fantasies turned on them so badly still seemed to be happy with Mr. Rourke in the end.

In the age of internet Trip Advisor reviews would have destroyed Fantasy Island.
I was always surprised that everybody whose fantasies turned on them so badly still seemed to be happy with Mr. Rourke in the end.

In the age of internet Trip Advisor reviews would have destroyed Fantasy Island.

He warns everyone in the beginning, "SMILES, EVERYONE SMILES!....or else"
Who knew it would take so long to get a password reset!
I woke up this morning and was shocked to see my toenails a lovely lavender when I stepped into the shower. I forgot (for a moment) that I let Annie practice her spa skills on my feet yesterday evening. #I'lldoanythingformydaughters.
Seriously... I forgot my password, and kept goofing up the password reset. It's not THAT complicated, but...
Career first

Talking to a girl about putting a little more effort into my foods one class to learn a skill and she looked me dead in the eye and said: "with these tits and my ass I'll never work a day in my life!"

I'm guessing career advice from mom?
Career first

Talking to a girl about putting a little more effort into my foods one class to learn a skill and she looked me dead in the eye and said: "with these tits and my ass I'll never work a day in my life!"

I'm guessing career advice from mom?

As long as she plans for her life to end at 30 when the hard, cruel reality of counting on your aging appearance to get you anything from coarse, shallow men starts to sink in.
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