Why music is dying.

I'm very much a simple melody person, if I cant whistle the melody line then I am usually not attracted to the tune, however, I do view music as an art, and therefore appreciate others choice what they hang on their walls.....I love the fact that the 60s, 70s and 80s revivals have all gone on longer than the actual decade(s)..

Good points. Yeah, for me, melody's key.
Whatever reaches number 1 we are given more of the same and that more of the same gets pushed and promoted. There is a constant supply of new, interesting music but it does not push through because it is risky with regard to audience figures and sales.

There's probably a person out there who is 'different' just as David Bowie was different. But there is no guarantee that such a person will do well. In order to make a profit you need to be a prophet.
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