Season 346 - Large, Narrow, Heavy, Few

Hello, Brian! A song with "little" in the title. I can only apologise for lowering the tone ... a combination of reduced Internet access and an over-active imagination.

Not possible to lower the tone wearing a bowler and a bow tie Val. And you give the gift of the gif so well. Loved that dancing nun....

OOOps!! Posted the wrong song! How do I get it down???

It was/is a real fine song Bruce and it wouldn'y have bothered me had it stayed. I did add it to the playlist. It is certainly worth a revisit.....
Bruce's beaut cover of Shallow lead me off to have a listen to the original which was not what I expected. Gave me goose bumps when the violin (cello?) came in.

I love when the seasons broadens your music experience.
This is one of several songs I liked to use in serenading ... er, uh, other persons I found it pleasing to be around when I was 19 or so. It was a new song then.
>>> Tomorrow is a Long Time by Bob Dylan, but there are many good versions. I was partial to Ian & Sylvia's version.

I'm at the Folk Project Getaway. I got to do two songs at the Friday night open mic with their fabulous backup band, The Bunk Bed Boys (+ one Goyl). I did "Deep" and "Foot". The band break at the end was the best part.

I wanted to get one more in this week, so I decided to go to Bakersfield for this Wynn Stewart classic, or at least a classic to those into the Bakersfield sound, which prominently featured Ralph Mooney steel guitar licks, which I attempted a poor facsimile of here.

Was hoping to hear a couple of songs this week.
BT by PG and HAHHMB by TH.....

Your (second) wish is my command, Your Hostliness! :p

This was actually the first song that popped into my head when you announced the theme, but I struggled a bit with it earlier in the week and nearly gave up. So when you hinted that you were hoping to hear it I decided to give it another bash. Here’s the result:

Pa, I sure hope this fits the theme (I'm noticing a fair number of prepositional phrases as titles). Two days ago I had the fourth kidney-stone surgical procedure in four months, and I wasn't sure I'd be able to contribute to your season, but here's a song for you (by Australians, even!), scratchy throat (from intubation) and all.

Hi Pabrizzer, I'm not sure if this qualifies, It's a funny little song, I really liked the chord structure and the story is a little different from what I normally sing.
It's called "The Sleepy Giant." Music composed by Natalie Merchant to a poem by
Charles E. Carryl (1841-1920)
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He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

I got inspired... so had to do 'He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother' as well. One of my old favourites which I used to play on my guitar as a teen but had kind of forgotten. Hope you like it...

Thanks to Del for the inspiration and to Pa for the hint which I certainly didn't get without help (and for hosting a great season). Time to do some more listening now...
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