Coco Tenor 'Ukulele Review

My review of the unusual and attractive Coco tenor from Kremona:
I wish they offered a baritone at approximately the same price point as mari & coco. However, the only Kremona barry I have found was a Flight -- Kremona's economy line.

Eggsellent review, Peter. It deserves an ova-tion. Lovely tracks, too. Truly gifted playing. (sigh)
Thanks Bellgamin! Kremona is an interesting company and has an impressive line of nylon strung classical, flamenco and Gypsy jazz guitars. The ukuleles are fairly recent but they did a good job and I hope they make more sizes and models. There were soprano versions of both the Mari and Coco but are discontinued. I'm really hoping they introduce a requinto or guitarlele.
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