Video embedding


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
Canada Prairies, brrr ....
Maybe there are FAQ that have this covered but I haven't found an answer. Anyway I uploaded a video to Google Drive. I can get a link for that but when I paste that into the [video] tags it just shows the path and not the video like it would with a YouTube link. Is that possible at all with Google Drive?
Hi, merlin666!

Basically bbcode on UU accept only YouTube in terms of video. It is not bbcode's limitation. If we install additional program on this server, it can accept other video sites by bbcode. If I want to link Google drive, I prepare image file to link the google drive in order to pretend Youtube (see below). :)

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I tried to post another video and I noticed vimeo in the list but this does not show up at all. It is totally invisible as you can see below.
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