Power file/ finger sander/file sander


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
I just bought myself a power file/ Finger sander/file sander. It was a cheapie but I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the join I got here with minimal fiddling around.

I did have to switch to a better quality belt to get a smoother sanding performance because the join in the supplied belts was really bumpy. I also stuffed up a belt because there was too much glue squeeze out to gum it up.
Similar air powered models for use in auto body work appear to be more common than the electric ones. I chose this one in the shop because the shop only had 2 models and this one had a narrower shaft (and it was about 1/3 the price of the other one.)

I have been using it on the insides of my banjo pots as well as lots of fiddly bits.
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