Greeting from a newbie


New member
Mar 6, 2020
Reaction score
Hi! I've just been playing the uke since October 2019 and I love it so much!!! Guitar was too hard to keep up with, but my little uke was just so easy to pick up. I've been singing since forever, and wanted something I could use to accompany myself at open mic nights since I enjoy that scene so much better than karaoke on a regular basis.
Welcome to UU!
You've started playing in Oct 19 and you're already out performing live????? Well done and keep up the pace:)
Welcome. Congrats on the playing in public so soon. Remember, a ukulele has four strings, you have four fingers. A guitar has six strings, very unnatural, unless you have six fingers.
Famous six fingered people:
Tyrone Rugen (Princess bride)
Frank Nunn (Killer of Trudy monk)
Hi and welcome to UU and the wonderful world of ukulele.
I didn't dream of stepping up onstage in that short of they can't keep me off it.
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