Season 426 "You Can't Unsee It"


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2009
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Berryville, Virginia

I've had serious difficulties posting today! Sorry! I'll tell about it in the 'talk' area to see if other's have had the same issues.

So....this week I'd like to hear songs about how you can't unsee something you have! I have been out at night a lot lately staring at the skies and can remember a time I didn't see 'The Man In The Moon'.

I miss those times because now that dude is always staring at me, lol.
So, this Season is not about the Man or Bunny or whatever you see in the moon but it is about 'seeing' in general. Especially things you'd wish you never had. Songs about that. Must have the word/words see, seeing, unseen, optical, vision. Having to do with actual seeing or unseeing. Not about eyes or blindness.

Hope this is clear :rolleyes:

*Unlimited songs
*All newly recorded this week
*Season starts Sunday April 11 at 00:01 Hawaii time and ends the
following Sunday April 19 at 11:59:59 pm. Hawaii time.
*Announce or list in the video Season 426
*List the original artist in your post
*You are encouraged to write your own
*Songs written by other Seasonista's encouraged
*Those that know me can add a visual they know that I will love!!

Hope you have fun with this. Spend some time looking up about how strangely there is no word for the phenomenon of 'once you see it, you can't unsee it!". Optical illusions are fun too! But this is not about those.


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Spend some time looking up about how strangely there is no word for the phenomenon of 'once you see it, you can't unsee it!". Optical illusions are fun too! But this is not about those.

Can any of our German speaking Seasonistas confirm this? I’ve been lead to believe that there is a word in german for everything.

Great season idea too. Should be a good one.
Hey Andy We actually tried to look it up in other languages too! All we could find were versions of “unseen”. then we thought hey, let’s make up our own word, it’s really hard to come up with something that doesn’t sound like a combo of two words just like ‘unseen’ lol!
very interesting theme idea, janet!



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won't be able to write for the week due to ptsd(you don't want to hear about what I saw on surgical rotations), but will think about what to cover. interesting theme!
you can't un-see things when your own telepathic powers beam them into your head even if your eyes are tightly shut …
Written by the vocalist from Manfred Mann's group.Been a hit for a couple of people including Rod the Mod. " ever see a blind man"
some things can't unseen but in some cases there are messages that can't be unheard.
Be thou my vision was attributed to Saint Dallán (little blind one) Forgaill a Christian Irish poet from the 6th century

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Hello, Janet! A great idea for the week, and interesting to try and find a word to encompass "what has been seen can't be unseen" ... I think it might be too large a concept to be encapsulated in one word. This is my first effort for the week and it goes back to 1965, from The Beatles' "Rubber Soul" album. It was apparently written by Paul McCartney for Jane Asher (presumably they had had a disagreement!)

This is a traditional song I remember from my schooldays. I think we may have sung it in "Singing Together" a BBC Schools Radio Program. (Some of our UK members may remember it) It concerns a superstition among sailors that if they see a mermaid, the ship is doomed. It has been suggested that this is a folklore version of the sirens of Greek Mythology. The song itself dates back to the 18th century, was republished many times in broadsides and was included by Child in his collection of ballads as no 289. The version I sing here is pretty much his second version but with different home ports for the various crew members. In the version I sing here they are along the East Coast of England, an area notorious for shipwrecks. The jaunty tune belies the sombre lyrics.
...interesting to try and find a word to encompass "what has been seen can't be unseen" ...

How about... REGRETROSPECT? :)

EDIT: After being very pleased indeed with myself for coming up with this one I did a web search and found it’s a word that already exists in the urban dictionary and means something a little different. I think it suits our purposes better - but then I would! :)
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How about... REGRETROSPECT? :)

EDIT: After being very pleased indeed with myself for coming up with this one I did a web search and found it’s a word that already exists in the urban dictionary and means something a little different. I think it suits our purposes better - but then I would! :)

That's very clever, Del! (Just what you would expect from one concerned with all things optical!)
This song is called See, it is by an artist called Dan H.

Some more on Dan H. Me and Lynda once covered one of his songs called Cheese and Candy. He featured Lynda version on his Facebook page. He contacted me last week, about my cover of that, as he wanted to put that up on his own Youtube channel, and if I did any other covers of his song. He also asked if I wanted to play that on stage at one of his gigs when he is overhere someday in the distant future. The Cheese and Candy is gonna go up there for sure. But he first put my cover of his song call Harley up there.
Five years ago a colleague told me that a new band called Years & Years had been described in some quarters as ‘the new Depeche Mode’! On the strength of this I bought their new album. Aside from the synthesiser sound, I didn’t hear much to justify the comparison - but after a few listens I really started to enjoy the music. One track in particular, ‘Eyes Shut’, knocked me sideways with its beautiful, atmospheric simplicity. I’ve tried to transfer at least some of that to uke here. :)
“Nothing’s gonna hurt me with my eyes shut, I can see through them...”

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How about... REGRETROSPECT? :)

EDIT: After being very pleased indeed with myself for coming up with this one I did a web search and found it’s a word that already exists in the urban dictionary and means something a little different. I think it suits our purposes better - but then I would! :)

I like it! A lot better than Reverseen, which is what we came up with!
Well now, I really appreciate all the songs given so far and have enjoyed each one. Hope everyone has had a good Easter day. I can think of a few songs myself to contribute this week and hope to do so. For a while today my youngest and I forgot about our worries and went for a long drive along the Shenandoah and saw much beauty. From bluebells to broken trees that I find stunning to a hawk having a snack. That's it for me for today. Take care all. I'm going to have to look into more songs from Years and Years :) Really liked Eyes Shut cover by DelG!
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