fast arpgeggio runs


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2017
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high desert of New Mexico
I have to admit that an influence on me is early 80's neo-classical metal. To that end, I often improvise with Harmonic minor modes on my ukes.

I can play argeggios as well. But I've been wondering how to connect them like they did in the 80's. Do you know what I mean? The musician would either start really high (or really low) and the fret board and do arpeggios really rapidly all the way to the opposite end.

Does anyone know the procedure by which is done? I mean...does one just move up chromatically a half step at a time, playing A minor arpgeggio, then A#, then B, etc? Or is there a cycle going on whereby you move in fourths or fifths.

I know in '82 or so, i should have just gone to the Guitar Center and taken lessons with some frustrated local musician to learn the secrets but it is too late now. So I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
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