Bacon In My Beans


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2010
Reaction score
Tampa Bay, FL
I always try to listen to your videos and I like what I hear and see. Thank you for sharing this and your other videos.

One thing that I think that most Uke Group players forget is just how much a good supporting bass player adds to what we/they do. So three cheers for Tammy who (expertly) puts in that ‘essential’ Bass Line upon which the rest of your lovely performance is supported. I thought the brief bass into great, but a few more bars of that would (IMHO) really have set your song off even better.
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Thanks so much Graham. Tammy has less than 2 years of bass playing, and is self taught. I Got it for her, because she's always noodling.
Thanks John. Yes, it is. We started playing together about 4 years ago. Then it was all Irish folk music.
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