Buzz on the D-string 2nd fret only


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Yangon, Myanmar
It's a Kala KA-BE

The strings have probably been on too long... 9 months I'd say, plyed maybe an hour a week. Baritone ukulele strings aren't easy to come by in Yangon, Myanmar. In fact, I think I'm using classical guitar strings on it now.

I asusme it used to not buzz until just now?
Tune it sharp 2 full steps, does it still buzz?
Loosen the string and check where it is sitting on the saddle (you called it the "nut" in your video); is there a groove?
Old wound strings break down and start buzzing. Normal.
Other thing could be possibly at fault but yes, the first thing you should try is changing the strings.
Give classic guitar strings a go.
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