Silly song helps with chord progression AND the evil E chord


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2015
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don't know who mentioned it, but this song 1-4-5 will stick in you head fast and you'll get 145 progression fast. In C you be bouncing C-F, C-F, C-F-G in your head. You can switch it for and key and I'm finding I can transpose some on the fly. In A it's A-D, A-D, A-D-E.

I'm finding that bouncing though A-D-E is making it easier to hit E because the chord shapes can basically slide up the neck. I start with a regular A, cover the D with just second and third fingers, then slide that those fingers down to 4th fret and put the index finger on A.

It's helping me at least with my tiny hands
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