Ukulele Lesson: Bruddah Iz, Jason Mraz and Train


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
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Redondo Beach
What do the following songs have in common?

Bruddah Iz: Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Jason Mraz: I'm Yours
Train: Hey Soul Sister

1. They're all great ukulele or ukulele-friendly songs!

2. Similar Strumming Accents: Listen closely to each strumming pattern for these songs - despite different tempos and grooves, you will hear a strong underlying accent on beats two and four. It's a subtle, overlooked thing that makes a huge difference in locking into the groove quicker.

3. Similar Chord Progression: Although all three songs are in different keys, if you listen closely you will hear all songs share the same harmonic foundation.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Chorus): C - G - Am - F
I'm Yours (Verse and Chorus): B - F# - G#m - E
Hey Soul Sister (Verse): E - B - C#m - A

The above chord progression for each song is called a I-V-vi-IV chord progression. Notice how lowercase Roman numerals are used to represent the minor chord. By transposing Jason's and Train's songs into the same key as Somewhere Over The Rainbow (key of C), you will see that the chord progressions are identical:

C - G - Am - F

Learn to recognize the sound of this chord progression. Train your ears so you can get to the point where you can say to yourself "Say, this sounds like Somewhere Over The Rainbow/I'm Yours/Hey Soul Sister....therefore I bet the chords are _____".

Here's a great Youtube video someone posted that really helps drive the point home (I cracked up at the Men At Work part). It is the same I-V-vi-IV chord progression discussed above in the key of E (E-B-C#m-A). Quite an eye opener, isn't it?

Be sure to visit my online ukulele lessons website and check out "The Big Three Chords" lesson that further discusses the concept of identifying common chord progressions.


Mitch Chang
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