Ghost sighting in my apartment

i wouldn't mind having a ghost experience.i think it would be awesome. as long as you cant tough them and they cant touch you..

i used to do a thing called weegee board (spell?) and it actually moved :|!!

scarey stuff
ur post is extreme dude. You should watch A Haunting on discovery channel. they have re-enactments of those kinda things. shyts freaky man.
man i dont care if its friendly or not. if i see a ghost in my house, im gonna break through the front door and run for my life!!
then ill use a fishing pole to get my stuff out.
haha fish for your stuff. funny stuff
When i was watching A Haunting, don't mean to scare anyone, but some houses, people use to do this freaky ass rituals to open a dimension to hell and like non human spirits would pass through the portal, kinda like demons i guess. They defined the spirits as non human and the other type is human, usually a human spirit you won't have to worry about, but you have to know the history of what went down in your house so u have a little bit of clarity to think there is a presence in your house.

i may sound odd but yeah jus saying what i saw on the show :eek:
My psychic-ish friend told me when I lived in my old apartment that my spare bedroom had a portal of some sort in it where spirits came in and out. Which explained why nobody ever wanted to go in that room. We all knew something wasn't right with it.
a little tangent here... i was taking a shower the other day. shampooing my stubble (shaved head). so while i was rinsing it off (with my eyes closed) my tube of toothpaste fell of the ledge it was on (yeah i brush my teeth in the shower) and hit me on the shoulder on the way down.

i never moved anything from that ledge before that happened. hahaha i thought to myself "ok that was weird". and i went on.

told my dad the story yesterday and he started to freak out. haha
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