Little White Uke Around the World - Waltzing Matilda


pabrizzer Australia
Barbablanca Spain
Wetigers The Netherlands
Ukelites Germany
Filipinouker United Kingdom
Wallyboy Ashford Kent UK
Ukeval France
elmann Germany
we_ginga_yin Finland

US members does this order make geographical sense?

decaturcomp Georgia
matimeo North Carolina
j-peg Washington DC
ksiegel New York
mandalyn Ohio
mattydee Wisconsin
thesillydave Arkansas
jazzbanjorex Oklahoma
oldephart Texas
29moons New Mexico
markt66 California
ukuleledaddy/TheOnlyUkeThatMatters Oregon
myrnaukulele Alaska

foxisaac Central Queensland
eugene Tasmania

And that makes 24 (plus me 25)
So I might close the books there as that was my aim and there won't be much room left for signatures.
And don't forget it hasn't even reached Spain yet.
If you add your name now it will go on a reserve list.

Now we just wait and watch the paint dry!
I am really jazzed to be part of this, and in such great company with so many great players whose company I only hope I am worthy of!

Thank you, one and all!

Again a great adventure !!!
That will be fun !
well done brizz for idea and everyone who's taking part, may the uke fly safe,
Looking forward to this very much. Should be lots of fun. Hey...if this hits me around the end of May I'll take it to UWC and use it on stage during the open mic to install some UWC mojo...

I see a couple of other UWCers on the list, too, if the timing works out better for one of them...

I love this SLOW MOTION excitement. But at least with the talk of MAY you are realistic about how fast this will all happen.
But let's all hope it DOES HAPPEN!
i would like to jump in or go on the reserve list, the only problem i have if i was fortunate to be considered, i could only post on the uke within the UK as finances are a struggle lately, but if you have enough people it is totally fine and i understand :) i have been deliberating whether to raise to the challenge over the last few days, he he he maybe i should of spoke up earlier, anyway a great concept pabrizzer and i look forward to following the adventures of the little white uke
US members does this order make geographical sense?

decaturcomp Georgia
matimeo North Carolina
j-peg Washington DC
ksiegel New York
mandalyn Ohio
mattydee Wisconsin
thesillydave Arkansas
jazzbanjorex Oklahoma
oldephart Texas
29moons New Mexico
markt66 California
ukuleledaddy/TheOnlyUkeThatMatters Oregon
myrnaukulele Alaska

Makes perfect sense. I certainly can't see a more efficient way to do it.
The LWU has made it safely to Spain.
Barbablanca will be posting a video here soon and then off to The Netherlands it goes.
As soon as the video is posted I will add it to the playlist.
It begins!!!!
Little White Uke Arrived Toda!

undamaged and almost in tune with itself!

Will get down to recording with it later - haven't made my mind up about exactly what to record, yet. Been practising a few things recently. Watch this space! ;)
OK - Here goes - The first video in the series after the LWU's flight from the land of Oz.

I was going to do a well known Catalan Pop Song, but in the end decided to do one of my own Catalan compositions. It's a sad song with a social message that I wrote for a TV show I used to present (having been given the theme of The Cold to work on). It is followed by a short jolly traditional kid's song.

NB. The flags behind me are traditional Catalan flags. Recently, with the push for independence, there has been a run on the Catalan Independence flag. But I haven't got one of those, so my daughter's blue bass guitar (just the right shade of blue with a dash of white) will have to hint at the missing colours.

Little White Uke says:
The Netherlands here I come! I'm all wrapped up again... Berni will be posting me tomorrow!

LYRICS and Translation:

Quin fred que ha fet

Quan tornava de la feina anit
vaig veure com un indigent
preparava el cartró que li serveix de casa.
Més tard m'estirava al llit,
vaig sentir un calfred, tan fort,
recordant aquell pobre home.

Quin fred que ha fet!
La gebrada va ser forta aquesta nit.
Tot és blanc. Quina glaçada!
No puc oblidar que hi ha gent
que ara dorm al carrer
Sigui amb neu o calabruixada

Prenent cafè al dia següent,
Llegeixo El Periódico.
Esgarrifat de tantes desgràcies
Guerres, plagues, suïcidis i fam,
De cop se’m van començar a congelar
Totes les meves ganes de viure.

When I was coming home from work last night
I saw a tramp
Preparing the cardboard that would be his home that evening.
Later, as I climbed into bed,
I felt an incredible shiver down my spine
Remembering that poor guy.

How cold it has been!
The frost was really hard last night!
Everything’s white; what an ice sheet!
I cannot forget that there are people
Right now sleeping on the streets
Whether it’s snowing or hailing.

Having a coffee the next day,
I was reading the newspaper
And was shocked at so many calamities:
Wars, plagues, suicides and starvation,
Suddenly, I felt my desire to go on living
Freezing inside me.

El Gegant del pi ara balla, ara balla
El Gegant del pi ara balla pel camí

El Gegant de la ciutat ara balla, ara balla
El Gegant de la ciutat ara balla, pel terrat.

The Giant of the Pine Tree is dancing, dancing, dancing.
The Giant of the Pine tree is dancing along his way.

The Giant from the City is dancing, dancing, dancing.
The Giant from the City is dancing on the terrace.
Can you PM me how much it costs to send to The Netherlands. It will be interesting to keep a tally of how much the journey costs the LWU.
LWU now on its way to the Netherlands. I don't mind stating publicly how much it cost to send it. It was €14.85 (18.55 Aus.$)
That will probably be fairly standard throughout Europe, I'd imagine.

I look forward to hearing all the other videos and stories connected with the LWU. My wife had a brilliant idea yesterday when I had already wrapped it up and that was that I should have taken a few photos of my local area with me and the LWU. That'd be a bit of added value, if anyone else picks up on the idea. I'll try and post a few photos of me, a Uke and my town over the next few days to compensate for that piece of negligence ;)
Berni...That was great!!! You sure set the bar high for this journey. Can't wait to see the rest!
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