Geared peghed tuners

Bill - TheCraftedCow on this forum is the distributor for peghed in the US and Canada. He was cool when i ordered from him, very helpful and responsive.

Thank you for the two testimonies of approval.
PEGHEDS come in different diameters and different shaft lengths. If you have existing holes, one gets what fits, or plugs the holes-rebores- and gets what is preferred.

7.5mm--8.5mm--9.5mm are the diameters at the front of the peghead/headstock.

If the headstock is THICKER than 15mm, the 7.5mm(7543) is the only choice since the other two have a shorter shaft. The shaft on this one is 27.5mm from the base of the string post to the neck of the button.

For a 15mm orTHINNER, one may use any of the three different diameters. The shaft is only 19mm.

I suggest a bit of mechanical drawing so one can see before hand how the instrument will look. make a line drawing:
*|<head thickness|*to 19mm >|*to 27.5mm>|3mm|17mm |

What isn't inside the thickness of the head, will be sticking out the back. My personal preference is the shorter of the two, when I have a choice. I have them on things from baritone to soprano.Slot heads again, need to be measured. I use the shorter ones.

There is no mechanical advantage with a 22mm wide x 20mm tall button over a 19mm wide x 17mm tall button

Price is 55.00 for four (usually 2L 2R) in the USA $5.80 Priority;
CDN 19.95 priority; the rest of the world $29.95 priority.

PayPal is 4% more. A check cost you the price of a stamp.

++Here's an ATTABOY/ATTAGIRL to the string community.++
It will never hit the newspaper(how sad) that I have sent PEGHEDS
all over the world many times before the check arrives in the mail, and in four years of doing so, I have yet to have a bounced check, or someone not pay. I am deeply touched by the character of the people who use PEGHEDS. No...not just ukulele players it also includes guitar and banjo players and builders. I consider it an honour to
have confidence in the product and also the people who use it.
Thank You! Merci beaucoup! Mahalo nui loa! Salamat po! Muito obrigado! Muchas gracias, es mi placer! Domo arigatou gozaimasu!
are some of the languages I have been blessed to use to speak my appreciation.
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