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Jan 27, 2018
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How many octaves on a ukulele?

Hi folks, how many tones can you play on a Uke? what s the lowest and highest tone? Thanks!
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It would depend on the size of your ukulele (soprano/concert/tenor), how many frets it has, and how it is tuned.

On a standard sized ukulele tuned gCEA, with 14 frets. The lowest note would be C, on the C string. The highest note would be on the A string, th 14th fret should be C(6).
Hi folks, how many tones can you play on a Uke? what s the lowest and highest tone? Thanks!

As the answer seems easy enough to locate with Google I’m genuinely a bit puzzled as to why you asked this question, could it be that you are looking for some subtle detail?

As Ukes come in various stringing combinations and scale lengths it’s impossible to give more than an indicative answer (two octaves of tones and semitones). The strength with which the Uke speaks (how loud it is) typically reduces at the soundhole end of the fretboard, but the vast bulk of playing never requires notes high up on the ‘A’ string (the highest pitched string).

Reaching out today to the standard strung mass produced laminate Soprano by my chair and then testing it up the fretboard I’d say its voice (that particular Uke not that particular size) becomes relatively muted outside of the first ten frets and so that gives a practical range limit of about one and a half Octaves (C to G). My method was to pluck the ‘C’ string at the seventh fret (for a ‘G’) and ninth fret (for an ‘A’) and to check it’s volume against the unfretted ‘g’ and ‘A’ strings (as a first but not completely fair sound volume comparison); next I went up the fretboard by two frets for each of those strings (to compare fretted sound) and finally I then worked up the fretboard on the ‘A’ string checking its (reducing) volume as I went too. Of course that test is illustrative, indicative, subjective and YMMV.
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