How do you play harmonics?

Strings also play a massive factor into this - ukelogic soft tension fluorocarbons are my absolute favourite for harmonics.

I can't believe that I'm typing the words "We don't talk enough about strings..." 🤣 but in this context, it's absolutely true. Certainly cheaper and easier to experiment with new strings than new ukuleles...not that there's anything wrong with that either!

But folks, there's a reason why they call him Sammy Sparkles. Yes, he sparkles, which is of course the main reason. :giggle: But I've also not encountered anyone who's done more to organically integrate the musicality of harmonics into song arrangements and performance than he has. The clips on this thread are barely the beginning. If he says "Good strings and practice", then you can take it to the bank.

To deposit the money you saved by only buying new strings for better harmonics, and buying better ukuleles for all the other reasons. ;)
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