KoAloha Concert New Strings Question


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2010
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I'll be needing some new strings, and the Worth Clears seem to be the strings that were on the uke when I purchased it.
I'm not sure whether to get the light or the medium gauge strings in order to keep the same setup as original.
Any feedback and information is appreciated. Thanks!
Aloha Cletus,
I've got the clear lights on ......If you do try the browns, let me know how it is on your uke.....MM Stan..
I got my concert set up with worth browns. hardest decision I ever made. I love them though. Just as much as the clears.
Aloha Bruddah John,
How they sound...do they have a deeper richer sound because they are thicker strings??????Let me know...MM Stan

Stan, to tell ya the truth, I can't tell a big difference between the clears and browns. end me your address in a PM and I'll send you the remaining strings so you can try for yourself.
Thanks for the feedback, everybody.
My local shop Acoustic Vibes doesn't have Worths, so I'll likely be ordering from Elderly Instruments.
I'll probably just get some of the different flavors and see which is best for me, it's a cheap enough experiment.

I'm still trying to think of the best way to describe the difference between my 2 ukes.
The Fluke is like the bombproof mountain bike, and my KoAloha is like the hyperlight road bicycle...
and my KoAloha is like the hyperlight road bicycle...

I like that description. That's what my soprano's like as well. I've tried aquilas, worth CMs and worth BMs on it, and they all sound great and very similar. The browns might be slightly less bright. It is a soprano, however.
go with browns, they have the perfect tonal balance for Koaloha's, the clears are just a bit too bright sounding on an already very bright body, the browns give the sound a nicer color.
Interesting post, I just picked up my first Koaloha concert last week. After playing Aquila's on a Kala Acacia Tenor and Makala Dolphin Soprano my first reaction was 'I don't like the string's, they feel too light', however the responsiveness and sound from the Koaloha is fantastic. I am not sure if this is down to the lighter strings or the uke bulld or both but would rather the strings 'felt' more like the Aquila's I am used to. I was wondering what strings the Koaloha has so can I assume that they are Worth clears that the factory fit? I will have to check out Worth browns if they are 'heavier', how do they compare to Aquila's? PS, I am loving the Koaloha :)
Yep they are Worth Clears. Worth browns can be the same gauge, they were originally designed as a different color simply to color match darker ukuleles but a by product of this was a slightly mellower sounding string. You can however buy Worths in different gauges. Check out the worth web site it lists the different strings and gauges. The Aquila web site also list the gauges they use if I remember right. But even at the same gauge don't expect them to sound the same as Aquila use different materials for their strings to Worth.
Thanks Casarole, I have had a quick look at the Worth and Aquila websites, I did not realise that they produced different gauge strings as well as strings for the different size ukes. It seems with Worth that only the 1st and 4th strings are 'heavier' for the medium gauge, I am guessing that medium guage would be the best for a Concert uke. I don't know what gauge the Koaloha comes set up with. I couldn't find the gauge for the Aquila on their website. I think I have read somewhere that Aquila are louder than Worth, but since the Koaloha seems loud enough as it is I don't really want to make it any louder, but the string feel is important, I will have to do some research... I don't intend to change strings just yet in any case as they are fresh on but this is still a learning curve...
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