What do slotted headstocks do for ukuleles?

I like slotted headstocks, but then, I play tenors and baris almost exclusively. One advantage is that all tuners turn in the same directions to loosen and tighten the strings. I find no interference with my chord formations; that depends primarily on the flare-out of the headstock, and paddle necks are more likely to flare out too close to the nut.
I like slotted headstocks more because there is more room to wind more excess string. Good for swapping strings between ukes that have different bridge types. The flat headstock tuners can take a few winds and then it's too much.
I like slotted headstocks more because there is more room to wind more excess string. Good for swapping strings between ukes that have different bridge types. The flat headstock tuners can take a few winds and then it's too much.
You only get room to wind on the string if the capstan hole is offset. Putting it central to save a penny is a silly idea.
Looking at you tuner makers and uke manufacturers.
The answer is that Everything Matters (tm), it being a question of degree. Acoustic Guitar Mag had an interview with a luthier who discussed this, unfortunately I can’t locate it, but he had an interesting take on the difference it made in the sound for His builds, but Also pointed out that other builders it might not matter as much, depending on other choices they make in the build.

I don’t find slot tops much more difficult to string than paddle tops. The difference between Steel String and Nylon String is MUCH greater than the difference between Slot and Paddle.

In the words of the Great Sages Dan and Mick of That Pedal Show, the three most important characteristics of an instrument are 1. How it looks; 2. How it looks and 3. How it looks. If you like the look of a slot top, you’ll probably play it more.
I don’t mind the looks, but the thickness really bothers me. There is no reason they need to be just as thick as the one on my classical guitar. Maybe it’s due to Big Tuner(TM) not making thin, side-mount tuners widely available
Agree. The only ones I've seen that seemed fitting for ukes used Gotoh Stealth tuners and had thinner headstocks. Still, l like the looks of most slotted headstocks as they show off the different woods used for neck and head plate.
Slotted: Yes please and thanks 😎

Stringing: Easy peasy every three months 🤗
They [slot-heads] are also more aerodynamic if you play your ukulele while driving and the headstock is sticking out of the window. At 65mph it can be a significant benefit.
That 13-year-old observation deserves a bump! 😄
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