Playing the Spoons Workshop

frets alot

Well-known member
May 20, 2012
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Northern Lower Michigan
I attend a nearby dulcimer festival every year. This will be its 50th year. It's wonderful, multi-day event, especially if you play the mountain and/or hammered dulcimer (which I do). Along with all those workshops, they offer workshops for all sorts of other instruments (including ukulele). This year (in a few weeks), they are offering 2 hours of instruction on the spoons. I've taken some of these unusual workshops in the past and they've been a hoot (like playing the bones). I've wanted to give these a try, since I first saw these Heritage Spoons. So, I got myself a set! A cool little, travel-friendly instrument. :giggle:
The next up-and-coming spoons player. 😁
After watching a couple of "The Spoon Lady" videos on youtube I became fascinated with playing the spoons. I quickly realized it was an endeavor that would take talents I apparently don't have. One would think it might be the simplest of instruments to learn. I mean, it's only spoons afterall. That is not the case. I'll persist and maybe someday get something recorded that I think is decent enough to enhance some of my musical endeavors. But, sadly, I'm currently a long way off from that. Here's one example of what I'd consider spoon playing excellence.
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After watching a couple of "The Spoon Lady" videos on youtube I became fascinated with playing the spoons. I quickly realized it was an endeavor that would take talents I apparently don't have. One would think it might be the simplest of instruments to learn. I mean, it's only spoons afterall. That is not the case. I'll persist and maybe someday get something recorded that I think is decent enough to enhance some of my musical endeavors. But, sadly, I'm currently a long way off from that. Here's one example of what I'd consider spoon playing excellence.

I had seen that video, amazing!
I'm hoping 2 hours of instruction may help me get the hang of it, then lots of practice.
I love them. I want the big, deep ones, though! Please report back on how they are to learn.
I got the medium set, which is more for those learning and not yet accomplished. The small set is for kids and smaller adults, while the large set is for those who have played more. We shall see. I will report back.
I got the medium set, which is more for those learning and not yet accomplished. The small set is for kids and smaller adults, while the large set is for those who have played more. We shall see. I will report back.
Yeah, the big ones aren’t smart for a beginner, especially one with small hands - I just like how they sound!
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