Kala KA-S and KA-15S


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
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Outside DC
I've been wondering for a while... is anyone clear on the difference(s) between the KA-15S and the KA-S Kala Mahogany Series Standard Ukes?

I mean, the S has the white binding, and the 15S has the painted circle around the sound hole... and the MSRP for the S is 17 bucks more than the 15S.

But I've been wondering for a while... is that it? is white binding worth 17 bucks? Are there other differences that aren't so clear from the Kala website?
The difference is the white binding and the frets. The KA-15S uses a slightly lower quality metal for the frets which allows it to be a little cheaper. There is pretty much no difference as far as tone though.
hmm...beats the crap outta me -- I never really looked that closely at them, much less noticed they were two different items. One other thing I noticed different about the two (based on the site references you posted) is the bridge looks a little different too.

funny thing is, if I had noticed this sooner, I would have probably asked YOU :D
One other difference, which might not be a difference at all, is that Kala describes the 15S as a Soprano, and the S as a Standard...

Of course, I always thought that "Soprano" and "Standard" were synonymous, in ukulele-world...
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